A zero bug policy
I liked this clear zero bug policy that Nelis Boucké presented here. Although strict policies can backfire, this one opens a window for exceptions.
How do you help developers to test better?
Someone asked this question on Reddit and people responded with some great pieces of advice about the importance of communication, quality-first approach and code reviews — to name the few.
Shifting left & right in our continuous world
It's a great article by Lisa Crispin on the importance of "continuous everything" approach that she translates to a more relatable "we build it, we run it, we own it".
And when it comes to introducing such approach, here are 4 elements of a highly effective continuous testing strategy by Gerie Owen.
Why bugs are (kinda) awesome
Bugs are often seen as bad news. But here Lucca Carvalho shares an interesting view on the positive side of bugs and what we can learn from them.
The Complete Front-End Performance Testing Guide
Ultimate guides are rare. Why? Because they require tremendous effort to prepare. Thankfully, Joe Colantonio made this brilliant one on front-end performance testing.
And a great addition to that is Marie Drake's recent article on Web Performance Testing with Google Lighthouse.
Automated End-to-End Testing With Selenium and
Adam Klein made this decent comparison between the two most popular tools used for web test automation nowadays.
However, there's one area where Cypress has an advantage over Selenium. It's the ability to test API, as explained by Mahesh Thota in an article called API Testing with Cypress.
How To Set Your Performance Testing Acceptance Criteria
Sometimes it's hard to know what you aim for with performance testing. In this article, Mohamed Tarek shares three tips on how you can get an idea of the desired result.
Top 10 Best Practices for Test Automation (Java) Selenium
This list is full of great pieces of advice and code snippets for automating with Selenium in Java shared by David Danelia.
And speaking of lists here's yet another one on 10 Selenium Custom Capabilities Simplifying Web Testing by Sumon Dey.
Why I no longer use Cucumber in E2E automation testing
Cucumber in test automation can be tricky when not used right. Here are some lessons that Zhaopeng Xuan learned when using the tool.
A great complement to that is this great piece from Brian Elgaard about Why Don’t You Take ‘Given’ in BDD Seriously?.
8 Best Android Emulators For PCs In 2020
If you test Android apps, this list of Android emulators by Jason Boog may come in handy. I didn't know there's so many of them!
Framework review: Karate
Diogo Nunes gives a short but insightful review of Karate framework for BDD. I do like the form of it!
My top four Chrome extensions for software testers
Chrome extensions can be a great addition to software tester's toolkit and since I've already mentioned a few projects in the previous issues, this choice by Kevin Tuck complements them well.
Book Review: The Way of the Web Tester
Kristin Jackvony wrote an interesting review of a 2016 book called The Way of the Web Tester by Jonathan Rasmusson.
Learning can be a tough process sometimes.
But gamification is a way to make learning fun.
So I took a look at how learning software testing can be gamified.
Apart from the typical ones such as jigsaws, puzzles and even memory games which can improve your cognitive abilities that are so important in software testing, some are specifically for software testers.
One cool game I found is Can't Unsee where you have to choose between two UI designs. It's a brilliant one to check your perception skills.
There are card games, too. Such as TestSphere and Would Hue-Risk It? — great for playing in a group, for example on meet-ups or conferences.
And then we have the 30 days of testing challenges that I mentioned a few weeks ago and which are some sort of gamification, too.
Do you know more ways to gamify learning about software testing? Let me know!
Dawid Dylowicz