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Is testing still a bottleneck? Get the 2021 Testing in DevOps Benchmarks
On June 23rd, the mabl Team is dropping the results of the 2021 Testing in DevOps survey. The data reveals how 2020 — a pandemic year — impacted DevOps adoption rates and its role in quality. Benchmark yourself and have some fun along the way with themed trivia (prizes included!). Register now!
10 years of Software Testing and Automation
Gaurav Singh shared his 10-year software testing journey. I like that it shows how the approach to software testing, and the tools, have changed over time. Hoping for a sequel in another 10 years!
Accessibility Testing Of A Government Website: Experience And Recommendations
Here are some great insights about accessibility testing from Aaron Flynn who participated in a government website project.
And for more practical advice on tools for the job, check out Siva Ganesan's guide to Color Contrast Testing.
On the Diverse And Fantastical Shapes of Testing
Martin Fowler makes a great point that the shape of testing is not as important as the understanding of what unit and integration tests really stand for. This is a great read and I recommend checking out the Tweets mentioned there, too.
Software Tester or Lazy Developer?
Kristin Jackvony says many software testers can write test automation but don’t know how to think like a tester. What are their common signs? Are you the one? Read on.
A great addition to that is Josh Grant's article explaining that Test Developers Are Developer Specialists.
Stop Writing Overdone Test Plans
Test plans are important but not in the form that many of us may think of. Jesper Ottosen suggests what can have a better return on our time and effort investment than a bloated test plan.
In relation to that, Team Merlin explains how to create a Test Strategy in an Agile Scrum project.
Top QA Metrics for Software Quality
Short on ideas for quality metrics? Prashant Kumar got you covered. Not only he explained what the good traits of a metric are, but also listed out 34 of them. That's a lot of inspiration!
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
API Automation with Groovy and Spock
If you wonder what another way there is to test APIs, Bashiul Alam Sabab just shared plenty of examples for API test automation using Spock — an open-source testing framework written in Groovy.
And since we're in the JVM ecosystem, Philip Riecks shared a great piece explaining in-detail Maven Setup For Testing Java Applications.
How to Avoid Automation Mistakes
There are many mistakes that one can make when implementing a test automation solution. But don't worry, thanks to Prashant Kumar you can avoid some of them before you write a single line of code.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
How to Make iOS UI Testing fast and reliable
If your native iOS tests run slowly, make sure to check out this handy guide by Atakan Karslı. He explains where the slowness may come from and how to speed it up.
Testing in a CI/CD Pipeline
Akash Desarda wrote a great series of articles about testing in the CI/CD pipeline using Python code on Azure DevOps. The first part is about PR testing, the second about Integration testing, and the third one about Deployment testing.
The Pitfalls of Test Automation
Test automation can help us make hard things easy, but it's not easy to make it well. Niall Lynch has a few important pieces of advice on what to pay attention to.
And if that's not enough, here are the 3 Most Common Automated Testing Pitfalls from Dmytro Zaichenko.
API Testing Tools in JavaScript
Sai Anudeep Adimulapu gave us a big favour by comparing four open-source JavaScript tools for API testing. Here you'll learn about Chakram, Frisby.js, PactumJS and SuperTest.
Chrome 91 might break your tests
New browser releases are usually not a big concern for test automation. But as Jan Molak points out, you may face a problem if you use Selenium WebDriver version 3.x in your tests against the latest version of Chrome. But don't worry, he also provided five possible solutions!
Cypress vs Other Test Runners
There's no better person to explain how Cypress works under the hood in contrast to other popular test runners than Gleb Bahmutov himself — one of the Cypress engineers.
Optimize Selenium WebDriver Automated Test Scripts: Speed
Selenium tests can get slow, can't they? While there might be many causes, Zhimin Zhan shares some cool, simple tricks that can speed up your tests. Multiply that by the number of tests and you may achieve a significant reduction in test execution time.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
Best Summer Reads for QA and QE
Looking for an inspiring read on software testing? Good timing. Bridget Hughes described several valuable books, depending on what you're looking for. Handy!
Testing @ Apple WWDC 2021
Apple's famous dev conference is on and it brings a ton of news on the latest trends in Apple operating systems ecosystems. Here's a collection of videos related to testing that were released so far this week. If you test on Apple devices, this is a must-watch!
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 75th issue!
We often celebrate success, don't we?
We're somewhat used to it.
But what about failures?
This week I want to highlight three articles that celebrate failures in testing:
Happy testing!
Dawid Dylowicz