Growing A Culture of Quality
These are some common and uncommon practices to embed a culture of quality in the team or even a company, nicely listed out by Simon Prior.
How to Be Seen
Kristin Jackvony gives a few great pieces of advice on how to build your brand and reputation as a software tester.
Similarly, Beth Marshall described a useful set of Strategies & Tips For Improving Your Testing Reputation.
Streamlining the Design x Engineering Partnership
Hats off for this great overview of the feature development process by Kim Hart. I liked the stage of visual review done by designers before the feature goes to the QA stage. I also liked the part about adding meaningful data-test
attributes that improve automated testing by miles.
What Exploratory Testing Is Depends on Who You Are
Some of us do exploratory testing with less experience. All of us do exploratory testing with different experience. Instead of thinking of Exploratory Testing as one thing, it varies based on who we are today, as we are doing it.
Very well said, Maaret Pyhäjärvi!
Why and How to Start Manual Accessibility Testing
What a well-done guide to manual accessibility testing by Rachel Leggett this is! The biggest value for me is the clear instructions on HOW to actually perform those tests.
10 testing scenarios you should never automate with Selenium
Selenium is a great all-rounder but it's not a tool for everything. I've seen some of the scenarios listed here by Nikolay Advolodkin that were tested with Selenium (email is the classic one) and I can confirm there are better ways and tools to do it.
Mastering Puppeteer
Different rendering times of the elements in the browser often make automated tests flaky. So, here Conan Theobald explains how to implement your own waitFor
method in Puppeteer that makes sure that elements are present before performing any action on them.
Responsive Testing & Cypress
If you're wondering how to effectively simulate testing web on various mobile screen sizes, this handy script for Cypress by Gustavo Miguens will make your life so much easier.
Should You Unit-Test in ASP.NET Core?
It's a well-written article where Brian Elgaard explains how using BDD together with larger units and fewer test doubles can improve unit testing. All that complemented by C# code examples and a lot of accurate references to external resources.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
What’s New in Testing iOS With Xcode 12
The new version of Xcode brings in some exciting features in testing. And this is an amazing guide by Rony Rozen that explains them all. Enjoy!
Why is it important to keep mobile tests inside the native development framework?
Having worked on two mobile testing projects in the past, I couldn't agree more with Jas Manigundan on the importance of keeping mobile UI tests in the same repository as the app's codebase and, ideally, use the native frameworks to test them.
8 Cypress Plugins You Should Know
Filip Hric shared a list of useful plugins for Cypress, such as file upload, drag and drop and more.
Introducing cy.intercept - Next Generation Network Stubbing in Cypress 6.0
Cypress 6.0.0 has just been released and it brings in some major changes to network stubbing with its new cy.intercept
method, as explained here by Amir Rustamzadeh.
Top 8 Bug Tracking Tools
There are plenty of choices when it comes to bug tracking tools and you can find some interesting options in this list prepared by Aditi Mokasdar.
Implementing Automated Software Testing
Here's a concise description of Implementing Automated Software Testing released in 2009. Although it may seem old, the principles included in this book can still apply today.
Oops... 😂
Welcome to the 47th issue!
2020 is coming to an end but there are still some (mostly free) testing events planned for the last month of the year which I find interesting.
Firstly, Yogesh Khairnar shared what upcoming testing events he's recommending to attend.
Secondly, Enrique A Decoss and others are organising a free Super Reads @ 12.12 event where 12 authors will write unique articles sharing their experiences on various topics.
And lastly, I always recommend Software Testing Conferences site for staying up to date.
Now, enjoy the news!
Dawid Dylowicz