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Every Experience Counts: Ensuring Quality Across the SDLC
Tired of pesky bugs getting in the way of your software quality? To better understand the impact and cost of software failures–and what to do about it–Sauce Labs is going live with Salesforce and TaxAct by Taxwell to talk about testing across the SDLC so you can deliver better user experiences. Sign up now.
Anyone here feels bad for raising too many bugs?
Here's a fair question from someone finding a lot of bugs, fearing they may overwhelm the engineering team. But that's nothing unusual and people explain why.
Furthermore, Priyanshu Shekhar advises how to Prevent Defects with the Right Questions in the first place.
As if there weren't enough opinions on the CrowdStrike issues
Following up on last week's and this week's highlight of what testers think about the recent CrowdStrike issue, I liked Alan Page's objective take on it.
Similarly, Cassandra H. Leung shares her point of view on CrowdStrike: The Blame Game.
Developing a Quality Strategy
Quality strategy is more than just testing. Janna Loeffler explains how to develop it using the Arrange-Act-Assert approach.
The Swiss Cheese Model vs. Test Pyramid: A Complementary Approach
Katja Obring rightly points out why one approach shouldn't replace the other; instead, they should be used together.
Also, we often talk about the test pyramid in the context of automation. However, Michael Leonard came up with the Manual Test Pyramid.
What 'quality' metrics are you all measuring?
Someone asked this question on Reddit, struggling to come up with valuable quality metrics that, sparked an interesting discussion in the comments.
Furthermore, Rodrigo Martin explains How we track test-related events at New Relic.
Where does a tester belong? Team topologies.
Ivan Karaman wrote a wonderful overview of six possible ways for testers to work with engineering teams.
Effective Tests
This is a great, comprehensive article by Roubert Edgar explaining in detail different types of tests and advising how to write them.
Highlight Elements During Testing
Inspired by an ingenious solution to Highlight Element in Selenium, which might be useful to debug tests or emphasise the element when taking a screenshot, Gleb Bahmutov showed an example of it in Playwright and described how to implement it in Cypress.
Testing Modular Monoliths: System Integration Testing
With the growing popularity of modular monolith architecture, it's good to understand the possible ways of integration testing. Here's one example by Milan Jovanović.
Tests you love to read, write and change
If you want to improve your test design skills, Jean-Mark Wright gives several great tips.
It's also worth noting Rowan Powell's warning that One bad test spoils the bunch.
Cypress Plugins & Libraries — Must for Seamless Testing
Kishor Munot put together a list of a dozen handy plugins that can make your Cypress tests better.
Furthermore, Aniket Ghosh wrote A Comprehensive Guide to Assertions in Cypress.
Flutter App Testing with Appium Flutter Driver and WebdriverIO — All You Need to Know
Testing Flutter apps? In this insightful guide, Ambreen Khan shows how to set up your test automation framework using Appium and WebdriverIO.
Generating Java Test Data With Instancio
If you write tests in Java, this guide by Hardik Singh Behl on creating test data with Instancio may come in handy.
Also, Divyarajsinh Dodia wrote a helpful guide on Leveraging the Power of DevTools Using Selenium and Java.
Introducing Playwright-magic-steps: Simplify your Test Automation Workflow
This is cool — Vitaliy Potapov created a simple playwright-magic-steps plugin that allows you to make your Playwright tests more descriptive.
What's more, Prateek Parashar explains the Basics of Assertions in Playwright.
50 Selenium Java Concepts Explained in 6 Minutes
The title says it all, so whether you're preparing for an interview, want to refresh your knowledge, or just feeling challenged whether you know all these concepts about Selenium in Java, watch this short video from Nikolay Advolodkin.
How to Manipulate Time in Playwright — New Clock API
Playwright has recently introduced a new Clock API that lets you manipulate time in your tests. Curious how it works? Here's a neat, 11-minute overview by Jarad Saunders.
Moreover, Alex Khvastovich recorded a 50-minute walkthrough of API Verification with Playwright.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 230th issue!
Alright, there's more news about the CrowdStrike issue.
They released a preliminary post-incident review outlining the QA processes they want to implement.
Someone wrote an interesting overview of it on Reddit, explaining How CrowdStrike is improving their QA.
And, unsurprisingly, the testing community expressed what they think about it, again.
So, with that in mind...
Happy testing!
PS. If you prefer to watch the analysis of that report instead, Alex Khvastovich shared a 14-minute video.
Dawid Dylowicz