Checking vs Testing
Jason Arbon explains in a firm way why the debate about checking vs testing (and manual vs automation) is never going to be won by either side. What we need is a healthy mix of them all — and that's what I strongly agree with.
What I Learned by Being My Own Test Engineer
I previously thought that it might not be worthwhile to have UI developers dive into Cucumber, Gherkin, and Selenium in Java, but this experience has opened my eyes. I’ve learned some things I’d been wondering about how the QA side of things works, as well as somethings I didn’t know I didn’t know.
It's always great to see the developer's point of view on testing, such as this one by Amy Blankenship!
PS. It's a premium article on Medium, so if you can't access it, simply open the link in a private tab.
Six Testing Personas to Avoid
I loved reading through these short stories of six testing personas, presented by Kristin Jackvony. I feel like I can relate to them either by the mistakes I've done or by what I've observed. Great reminder!
Kiwi TCMS open source bounty program: Round 2
Kiwi TCMS, the open-source test management tool, came up with a nice initiative of donating a total of €10000 for open-source contributions. They've just announced the second round of their bounty program, which started a three weeks ago. There's some money to be made!
100+ ways to write a JavaScript test automation project
This is huge! Girma Nigusse put together over a hundred combinations of JavaScript UI testing frameworks and tools. Cypress, TestCafe, Nightwatch, Playwright, Protractor, Puppeteer, Selenium, WebdriverIO — they're all there! See the full list here.
Emulate geolocation for Automated Testing with webdriverIO
Last week, Pablo Calvo shared about emulating geolocation for manual testing. This time, he focused on achieving the same result in automated testing with WebdriverIO.
Making Xcode UI tests faster and more stable
I'm a big fan of implementing UI tests using the native platform's tools. However, Xcode UI tests tend to be a bit flaky. Luckily, John Sundell gives some handy tips and snippets on how to make these tests more reliable!
Iframes, switchTo() and default content with Selenium
Whoever had to deal with Iframes knows that they're never straightforward to automate (damn these Stripe payment's forms!). Hence I'm happy to see this comprehensive guide from Corina Pip, where she explains everything about automating iframes tests, including a lot of examples.
Web Security Testing with OWASP ZAP and Selenium
A great guide on how to scan websites for vulnerabilities using OWASP ZAP with Selenium — explained by Giannis Papadakis.
Smart automation locator generator
Vinayak Titti gives a great overview of browser tools that allow getting a unique XPath or CSS locators of any chosen HTML element — right for your test automation convenience.
Software Bug Stories
Ajay Balamurugadas and Saranya Easwaran analysed twenty various bugs and wrapped them in a book that's just been released. It's available in the most popular eBook formats and distributed on the pay-what-you-want basis.
And if you're looking for a review, Srinivas Kadiyala has already written one!
Practical Application of The Modern Testing Principles
Two weeks ago, Melissa Eaden gave a great presentation on how to implement Modern Testing Principles in practice. It's reassuring to see that it's aligned with how I've applied them in my previous job.
Do you listen to software testing or software development podcasts? This week I want to provide you with two great resources that I've found.
The first one is the amazing Testing Podcast aggregator from Michael Ensminger who posts every known software testing podcast episode shortly after it's released on the original channel. It's a great way to keep up with the latest releases that suit you the most.
The second one is this week's nicely described recommendation from Mirza Sisic on software testing and software development podcasts.
PS. A new category debuts this week — it's Videos! Since most of us switched to working remotely, plenty of new content has been released from online MeetUps, conferences and webinars. And my job is to give you yet another way to digest the best software testing news whenever it's possible. Stay tuned! ✌️
Dawid Dylowicz