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Can You Measure Quality?
That's a good question. Anas Fitiani shows a few approaches they tried in their company.
Furthermore, Michał Zawieja shares his Thoughts on Software Quality drivers.
Organisational-level test strategies and modern approaches — Some thoughts-in-progress
If you want to know how others approach a high-level test strategy on a company level, here's one by Jared Quinert.
Tester Imposter Syndrome
The imposter syndrome in testing is not uncommon, but there are ways to deal with it. Callum Akehurst-Ryan advises how.
Also, remember to avoid the 5 Toxic Attitudes That Can Destroy a QA's Career listed by Juliano Niero Moreno.
Testing Basics: Positive and Negative Testing
This is a good reminder from Andreea Draniceanu about the role of testing various paths and when to use which.
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
What is software quality for a developer?
Flavien Huynh brings up an interesting perspective on how developers define quality. This can help testers understand better how to work with them.
However, remember about The 4 Critical Red Flags to Look Out for in Software Testing, as warned by Tania Zhydkova.
Building Test Automation From Scratch
If you want to set up your own test automation framework, here's some good advice from Semih Aydin.
Furthermore, Ilya Shubinsky adds more context by Breaking down and reassembling automation to gain its full potential.
How the Miro Developer Platform leverages contract testing
This is a very interesting story of the problems faced with testing API at Miro and the solutions they tried to make it successful.
You can also learn about Systems Modelling as an input to your Test Automation Design from Sumon Dey.
Should we automate E2E tests?
That's a good question that many of us should ask. Sajitha Pathirana explains why the answer depends on the context.
Similarly, Paul Grizzaffi wonders what to do when An Automated Smoke Test Failed; Should We Still Test The Deployment?
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
Testing in Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples from TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn, Hugging Face, and More
In the first part of the series, Hitesh Hinduja shares some great knowledge and advice about testing in ML, including Python code examples.
Why is it so important for software developers to write tests
Writing code without tests is generally not a good idea. Vitalii Serdiuk explains why.
Similarly, Patrick Alves emphasises that Automated Tests Are The Secret to Peaceful Nights from the developer's perspective.
ChatGPT for Software Testers: My Experiment
Can ChatGPT really make you a better tester? Patrícia Oliveira tests this hypothesis with a few handy, practical examples.
Furthermore, Frank Moyer explains What Generative AI Can and Can't Do in Software Testing.
Detox or Appium — Which Test Tool is Top?
Mitchell Davis wrote a solid comparison of the two popular tools for mobile app testing: Detox and Appium.
And speaking of mobile testing, Diogo Nunes wrote a concise Review of Maestro.
Protractor.js is dead, What did we learn?
Protractor.js is yet another test tool that was winded down (as I first mentioned back in April 2021). Zhimin Zhan shares his thoughts on what happened and why.
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
Step-by-Step Guide: Migrating from Jest to Node.js Native Test Runner
Erick Wendel wrote a great, detailed guide to migrate from the most popular JavaScript test framework — Jest — to the recently-released Node's Test Runner.
Using the Playwright Page Object Model
Madeline Caples wrote a fine guide to properly applying Page Object Model in Playwright.
Additionally, Butch Mayhew shows how to Calculate API Endpoint Coverage in Playwright.
What programming languages and frameworks are on a roll right now?
The programming and tooling environment related to software testing is constantly changing. Here's an interesting Reddit thread about the latest trends.
How to Build More Effective Relationships with Your Developers
To conclude this issue's theme of developers' involvement in quality and testing, here's an interesting talk between Tristan Lombard, Lisa Crispin and Larissa Rosochansky.
Understanding SOLID Principles in Test Automation
SOLID Principles are one of the most commonly used in programming. But how do they apply to test automation? Pramod Dutta explains this in an 8-minute recording.
Thanks for reading!
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Welcome to the 169th issue!
The results of the 10th State of Testing™ Survey are out!
It's one of the longest-running surveys for software testers, which makes it an excellent opportunity to see the latest trends.
Here's a great overview of the results. You can also check last year's results for comparison.
Happy testing! 🙂
Dawid Dylowicz