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Testsigma announces API testing! 🔥
Open source, low-code test automation platform, Testsigma announces the launch of the all-new API testing feature, making test creation and validation easier than ever before! Check it out!
Are you responsible for fixing the bugs you find?
Someone on Reddit wondered whether testers should also fix bugs, which led to an insightful discussion.
Build a Culture of Quality With These Original Communication Tools
Vincent Ferreira shares the communication techniques that helped him influence quality practices in engineering teams.
Furthermore, Sebastian Stautz wonders When you need a test column on your board.
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
If It Cannot Be Measured, It Cannot Be Improved
Alex Shurov shares a few stories and examples of how metrics can help improve the quality of software products.
Additionally, Neil Matillano explains The Power of Metrics: How Data-driven Insights Can Supercharge Your Testing.
Quality Software has no cost only value
What contributes to software quality in practice? Richard van de Laarschot describes a few factors and their impact.
And for more practical examples, check out Sanyasi Naidu Annepu's article on How We Deliver Happiness to Our Users: A Look Inside Our Quality Process.
Start your Testing with "Why"
When approaching testing, we tend to start by thinking about the "how". But Rahul Parwal emphasises the importance of asking "why" first.
And sometimes, mistakes from the past might be the answer: Testing Nightmares: 10 Real Disasters That Emphasize the Need for Rigorous Testing, by Sabi Uddin.
Considerations for a Java-based Test Automation Framework — Part 1
What do you need to think of when implementing a Java test framework? Venkat Siva shares some good advice. And here's the second part about components such as logging, reporting and more.
Fakes vs (Stubs & Mocks) in Software Integration Testing
Zhimin Zhan uses examples to explain why using fakes is better than using stubs or mocks in your tests.
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
My top 5 learnings on test-driven frontend development
Alexander Panov shares a few tips on frontend TDD. Applicable for both testers and programmers.
Furthermore, Jarosław Michalik advises on A 5-Step Process to Refactor Your Old, Untestable Codebase and Improve Its Quality.
Making Sense of Performance Testing Results
Running a performance test is half of the success story. Having means to analyse the results is another half. Irfan Mujagić explains how to get the best out of reporting.
Deep Dive into Selenium's communication setup with ChromeDriver
If you want to know how Selenium communicates with ChromeDriver to execute tests, Sumon Dey wrote a great overview.
Similarly, Veera wrote a helpful Five-Minute Guide to WebDriver APIs.
How to apply Playwright Fixtures with Page Object Model
Thara Perera shows how to leverage Playwright's Fixtures feature to manage Page Objects.
Also, some of you might be wondering: Should I use JavaScript or TypeScript with Playwright?
Selecting the right automation tool for mobile app testing
Shukurillo Solijonov compares commercial mobile testing tools based on their project requirements. However, keep in mind that TestProject is dead.
You may also want to know more about Centralized Logging — Mobile Test Automation with Appium from Burak Ergören.
Which Web Testing Tool Should I Use?
Andrew Knight reviews the most popular open-source tools for testing web apps and advises when to choose which.
However, keep in mind Zhimin Zhan's warning about A Long List of Failed Test Automation Hypes.
Note: If you can't access the full article, open it in a private tab or another browser.
Testers should adopt the pirate mindset
Inspired by the Be More Pirate book, Bart Vanherck came up with a few pieces of advice for testers.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 166th issue!
Back in February, Matt Wynne — the last of Cucumber's co-founders who actively worked on the project — got fired.
He shared about it in this blog post.
That raised questions about the project's future. Someone even claimed that Cucumber is dead which sparked a big discussion on Reddit.
So what's next? Without a bigger sponsor behind the project, the chances for its growth and maintenance are lower.
On the other hand, thousands of people and companies still use it. So now it's up to the community.
But I'd think twice before picking Cucumber again.
Happy testing! 🙂
Dawid Dylowicz