Have you ever felt less respected or left out as a test engineer?
Sahil Puri explains the potential signals of being disrespected as a test engineer and advises on what you can do about it.
Also, here is some advice if you feel Completely unmotivated to do this job any longer like someone in this Reddit thread.
Mindset Shifts For Engineers to Achieve Higher Software Quality
Mehmet Yildiz wrote a great comparison of good and not-so-good beliefs and practices in testing.
Furthermore, Bart Vanherck described what we can do to improve our role in an article titled Stop talking about testing.
Test to Sell
How do sales and software testing correlate to each other? Rahul Parwal explains in an interesting way and gives some tips.
The best user story
Test cases are often based on user stories, so it's important to write them well. Bhagya Perera describes the pros and cons of six common patterns.
But actually, Do You Need Test Cases? Małgorzata Zielińska explains.
Three lessons after three months of quality engineering
We can learn a few things from Joep Schuurkes's story of joining two new teams as a quality engineer.
Similarly, Sam Connelly gives a few great pieces of advice on Getting up to speed on a new team.
Why Google doesn't have a QA department
This a very interesting article with some thought-provoking reasoning on why and when test engineers might not be needed in some companies, including Big Tech.
On the other hand, Joyz Ng explains what it takes to Build an Agile Testing Workflow in a Startup.
Dummy site to practice automation
Looking for places to train your test automation skills? You're not alone! There are plenty of good suggestions in this thread.
And there are more, as someone needs a buggy website suitable for Selenium testing.
E2E testing manifesto
Viktor Slavchev shares what a good end-to-end test should and shouldn't do, based on his experience.
Test Automation Coverage — A perspective
Wondering what good test automation coverage is? And how to achieve it? Team Merlin describes the three levels of the test pyramid and gives helpful tips.
What are the differences between TDD & BDD?
Despite the naming similarity between Test-Driven Development and Behaviour-Driven Development, they have some notable differences. Manasa Arcot Venkataram explains it all.
Furthermore, Phil Wong advises on Gherkin — How to balance coverage, precision and clarity?
Docker for Test Automation
Containerisation with Docker has become a standard practice in modern software development. Mohamed Yaseen explains how to set it up for test automation, too.
How to use Thunder Client for API testing? V2
Over a year ago, I shared Katarzyna Kmiotek's article describing a then-new tool for API testing — Thunder Client. Here are the new features that have been added in the 2nd version.
Performance testing APIs in pipelines? K6 makes it simple!
Stuart Thomas shows how to get started with k6 — an open-source tool for performance testing — and shows the CI integration.
On that note, Johanna South wrote a wonderful summary of the Performance Maturity Levels in teams.
Team Considerations in Choosing Automated Test Scripting Language, Why Ruby is much better than JavaScript?
Although languages are not always the deciding factor when it comes to setting up a test automation framework, they surely play a role. Zhimin Zhan compares Ruby and JavaScript for the job.
And speaking of languages, Bethany Wilson listed out several Python Frameworks for Automation Testing.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
When Playwright met PollyJS...
Sagarpreet Chadha gives a great overview of implementing automated tests using Playwright for web testing and Polly.JS for API mocking.
Furthermore, Kostiantyn Teltov shares helpful Automation stories: Usefulness of Playwright fixtures.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 148th issue!
Hope you've had a great weekend and you're ready to find some final bugs before the holiday season!
When it comes to me, it's been an intense end of the year, so I apologise for the recent overdue newsletter releases.
So without further ado, I'll let you dive right into the great news I found.
Enjoy the read! 🙂
Dawid Dylowicz