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NEW: Watch Testmo The Movie — #1 Unified Test Management Tool
By popular request, we’ve now launched the Testmo video tour. Learn everything Testmo has to offer in under 15 minutes. Powerful test case management, exploratory sessions, automation reporting, integrations with Jira, GitHub, GitLab & more. Then try Testmo free!
Agile Testing in Quality Engineering
Antoine Craske put together a great overview of Agile Testing explaining its principles and practices.
Furthermore, Robert Ruzitschka shared his thoughts about Testing in Production.
Good Tester Developer Relationship
Rahul Parwal summarised the ideas about the collaboration between testers and developers that came up during one of the meetup discussions.
Similarly, Kristin Jackvony shares her view and advice on Working With Your Product Owner.
High Tech — Low Test or Problems with Modern Testing
Oleksandr Romanov highlights the problems in modern testing, such as lack of skill, knowledge and focus. He also advises on how we can improve it.
Moreover, Rahul Parwal gives a good answer to the question: As a Tester, what can I showcase except Bugs, Tests, and Bug Reports?
Risk-Based Testing Averse
Is all testing risk-based? James Thomas contemplates this idea and came to some interesting conclusions.
In a roughly related article, Maaret Pyhäjärvi describes Testing, A Day At a Time.
Testing Requires Experience
Michael Bolton gives a great overview of testing based on experience and explains how it differs from instrumented testing.
Using metrics properly
Michael Küsters advises on how to use a metrics system and warns against the common pitfalls.
Interested in some examples? Angela Riggs wrote a great overview of Service Level Metrics.
Confident Testing: Contract Testing Database Queries
Is there a smarter way to test database integration? Michael Bright suggests applying the Confident Testing principles and explains with examples what you should and shouldn't do.
How to Start Writing Automation Tests
If you're planning to move to test automation, Małgorzata Zielińska gives plenty of practical pieces of advice.
Similarly, Nicola Lindgren shares her point of view on How I Learned to Write Test Automation as a Non-Technical Person.
How to Write Good Test Selectors
Testing web apps? Robbie Falck shows the ways of selecting elements and explains why some are better than others.
Making a decision: Should I Automate? Or maybe not?
How do you decide which test cases you should automate? Team Merlin gives some helpful tips.
Also, Zain Sajjad shared an interesting opinion on Why End-to-End (E2E) Testing is Often Good Enough.
React E2E Test Tutorial with Selenium: Page Object Model Pattern
Katsumi Yoshida wrote a very detailed guide to end-to-end testing of React projects using Selenium, Jest, and Typescript.
He also wrote a handy React-Testing-Library Tutorial: How to Write Tests that Works in Real Projects.
25 Useful Chrome Extensions for Software Testers
Here's a handy list of Chrome extensions to make your testing work easier and faster. You might also be interested in these 10 Screen Capture Tools.
Customizable TSH Cypress boilerplate for speeding up and standardizing automated testing
Adam Lochno describes a very handy Cypress boilerplate they created that includes support for faker, docker, and many more.
Mocking the Open API Specifications
If you're looking for a tool to mock your API, Bartosz Michalik did a great comparison of a few of them.
Visual Regression Testing with WebDriverIO
In this practical guide, Pavan Kumar S shows how to perform visual testing of web apps using WebdriverIO's image comparison plugin.
Lessons in Software Testing from "The Little Prince"
I liked that Maire McCrystal found so many interesting references to testing in the classic book — The Little Prince.
Exploring With Automation with James Thomas
A great talk by James Thomas on how to use automation and tools to do exploratory testing.
Top Automation Engineer Interview Questions and Answers
Pramod Dutta shares a few great tips on answering common interview questions. And here's the second part.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
PS. I'll be transferring every donation to Nasz Wybór Foundation which supports Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 🇺🇦 🙏
Welcome to the 128th issue!
As I previously mentioned in 2020 and 2021, the infamous Internet Explorer 11 has finally been retired after 27 years of existence.
While it was just a matter of time as many popular services have already stopped providing the support, I'm happy it finally happened.
Hopefully, we shouldn't see tricky ifs and pesky bugs caused by this browser anymore.
So feel free to share the good news with your web devs and testers.
Happy testing! 🙂
Dawid Dylowicz