60 Practices For Quality Engineering: Methods (Part 1)
This is huge! Antoine Craske put together a list of impactful practices for Quality Engineering. The first part is about methods and you can read the second part about Architecture, too.
Additionally, Antoine also wrote about the 12 Quality Engineering Units That Make A Difference At GitLab.
Quantitative Software Quality Management
In this interesting read, Peter Lupo explains how to use statistics for quality metrics. There's also the second part about metrics of features and releases.
What should someone do to really assure quality (QA)?
I'd have never guessed that including so many bullet points in an article would still make it interesting. Well, Pradeep Soundararajan proved me wrong!
Related to that, someone on Reddit is wondering: Should we write Test Cases?
Why meaningful testing matters?
Martin Hrášek describes why we should focus on meaningful testing over blindly following the best practices, such as test pyramids.
A great complimentary read to that is Ritesh Kapoor's take on Testing Automation, What are Pyramids and Diamonds?
Advance Your API Testing Using JSON Schema on Your Test Framework
Ananda Aransa shows a great, full of code examples overview of using a JSON schema to validate an API.
Android Instrumented Tests: testing types and how they work
Android has a clever way of doing instrumented tests that give you more control and allow for testing screens in isolation. Natan Ximenes explains everything about it.
Make Your Test Automation Better With Tags
When your test suites grow, running them all at once becomes inefficient. Dennis Martinez suggests grouping them with tags instead.
And if you want to see an example of it, Gleb Bahmutov has recently shared a guide on How To Tag And Run End-to-End Tests.
The Automation Strategy Problem; Not an Appium Challenge
Ravisuriya Eswara gives example-driven advice on navigating a problem in mobile test automation.
Turning data into understandable insights with k6
Running load tests is easy. Analysing results, not so much. So it's great to have examples such as this one by Rody Bothe that show how to visualise the results in a Grafana dashboard.
Also, did you know that Github Copilot can generate k6 load testing scripts? As Yusuf Tayman explains.
Monkey testing — Let’s break things!
Have you heard about monkey testing yet? It's a random simulation of actions performed on your app (just as a monkey would) to find any crashes, issues with the UI or unexpected behaviour. Gary Parker shows how to automate it for web using gremlins.js library.
Playwright Tutorial for Beginners
If you'd like to learn test automation in Playwright from scratch, here's a great 10-part tutorial by Oluwasegun Kayode. You can find all links under the article.
Waiting in Cypress and how to avoid it
Waits are one of the most (mis)used concepts in automated UI testing. So it's important to do it right. Filip Hric gives a great overview of them in Cypress.
Want to Practice Test Automation? Try These Demo Sites!
Practice makes perfect! Andrew Knight listed out a number of great websites that can help you practice your test automation skills in web UI and API.
15 Most Useful Google Chrome Extensions for QA
Pramod Dutta gives us a short, straightforward and valuable video overview of helpful Chrome extensions for software testers.
How to get into Software Testing
If you're at the beginning of your software testing journey then Daniel Knott has some good pieces of advice for you in this 23-minute video.
Additionally, you might be interested in Hales Rymel's 6 Steps She Took to Get Her First Software Testing Job.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 106th issue!
Today, I'd like to congratulate Gaurav Singh — an active contributor to the software testing community — for getting his dream job!
You can read his excellent overview here: How I got "that" job at Meta.
This is not only an inspiring read but also great proof that dreams come true.
I wish you similarly big successes in 2022.
Happy testing!
Dawid Dylowicz