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Introducing Playwright's New Test Runner
Playwright Test is a new test runner built specifically to accommodate end-to-end testing needs. Join Principal Engineer, Andrey Lushinkov on July 29th to learn how to author new tests, migrate existing tests, and deploy them on CI. Save your seat now.
Focus on Goals over Risks
Why focusing on risks might not be the best option? Jesper Ottosen shows an interesting perspective of focusing on goals instead and what benefits they can bring.
Leadership in Test: Service Testing
Here's an interesting read from Paul Gerrard who puts some light on three important parts of service testing, such as performance, reliability and manageability.
Quality Shopper, Stop Lookin’ At What You Can’t Buy
Antoine Craske shares a good reminder that quality cannot be bought with new fancy tools or test frameworks — it has to be developed.
What is the right question to ask?
Questions are one of the most powerful tools that a tester can have. Alan Richardson provides some examples and tips on which ones to ask and when.
And here's a good complementary read from Ravisuriya Eswara on Assumptions are Essentials and Necessity.
Parallelizing test automation? Read this first.
Parallelisation seems like a simple way of improving the test execution speed, right? Well, not so fast. Paul Grizzaffi warns about the challenges you might face during implementation.
Serverless integration testing with CDK — Part 3
Wondering how to do serverless testing? This is yet another great article by Andy Blackledge that is a continuation of the previous two articles that I featured two weeks ago. This time, it's about simplifying the test stack.
Should You Use Contract Testing?
Oleksandr Romanov found an interesting way of explaining contract testing from both the tester and developer perspectives, and explains when you should follow this practice.
Testing A Web App Using The Keyboard Only
Navigating through the webpage using only a keyboard is one of the fundamental accessibility tests. But can you automate it? Gleb Bahmutov proves so by implementing a keyboard-driven test in Cypress. Well done!
The definitive guide of Android UI Automator with Kotlin
This is the kind of debut blog article that I appreciate! Heitor Paceli shared a comprehensive guide to getting started with UI test automation on Android in Kotlin, including plenty of code examples.
Additionally, Saif Siddiqui created a short, handy video explaining how to use The UiAutomator2 Driver for Android.
UI Testing Best Practices
Here's a handful of best practices for UI testing that Bryce Dorn and his colleagues came up with. And they all look valid to me.
Gatling and the test data generator pattern
Data generation is one of the key aspects of load testing and Matthew Bretten demonstrates a great way of doing it in Gatling tests.
How to do performance testing using the k6 tool?
This is a massive guide by Marcin Basiakowski to getting started with performance testing using the open-source k6 tool.
And here's an equally good tutorial about Load Testing SQL Databases with k6 by Wai Foong Ng.
Selenium Test Automation Template
If you're looking for a project template to start writing tests in Java, check out this one by Madhawa Ratnayake. It's uses TestNG test runner for Selenium and implements the Page Object pattern.
The DevOps Handbook (Chapter 17. Integrate Hypothesis-Driven Development and A/B Testing into Our Daily Work)
Thomas Haver shares a short summary of The DevOps Handbook's 17th chapter explaining the benefits of integrating A/B testing in the pipeline.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 80th issue!
This week, I found two recently-published reports on the state of testing that I'd like to share with you:
Hope you'll enjoy the reads and learn something new, as I did.
Happy testing!
Dawid Dylowicz