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Using Selenium To Test Account Email Signups
Does your web app use email to sign up? Now you can use Selenium with Mailsac API to easily integrate delivery and content testing of a signup email. We've written the code for you. Check it out!
3 Amigos – a sequel
Last week, I featured Anne-Marie Charrett's article on 3 amigos in Agile. This time, she shared more about the modern version where the QA role differs from the traditional one. I found it both interesting and accurate.
Agile Testing: Striking A Balance Between Manual and Automated Testing in an Agile Environment
Some may say testing is all about the automation nowadays but this is far from the truth. Edward Kelly explains why the balance between manual and automated efforts is the key to successful testing in Agile.
Building a Modern Quality Program from the Ground Up
Gone are the days where companies will hire a horde of testing specialists who act as a safety net, waiting for code to be tossed over the proverbial wall by developers to perform validation before a release can happen.
So what do "the days" look like now? I liked Jeff Sing's explanation of the modern approach to Quality Engineering.
A great addition to that is Janet Gregory's article about Testing From A Holistic Point Of View.
How Google Tests Software
There have been several of articles written on how Google tests software (mainly based on the famous book) but these lessons are so valuable, they're well worth repeating. Here Dilusha Kumarage did a great job describing the key concepts.
Testing beyond requirements
What if…? What else? What happens when…? Who is this for? Why is it designed like this? When can this be used? How can this function be used differently than expected? What value does it provide? To whom?
In most cases, only checking that requirements are met is simply not enough testing. So these are just a few questions that Maria Kedemo advises testers to ask while testing.
Why are developers against testability?
Testability is one of these things that's much easier to be built-in rather than built on top of implementation. Gregory Paciga explains why it's not a trivial problem and what a tester can do to help developers care for that.
Designing the test framework? Here are things you need to keep in mind
Viral Patel shares some great pieces of advice on what to pay attention to when building a test framework.
Hard and Soft Assertions in Test Automation
Usually, when a test has multiple assertions and the first one fails, the program stops immediately. Dmitry Shyshkin shares an example of changing this behaviour and making the test run all assertions before exiting.
Start Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) for Java SpringBoot REST API Using Cucumber
Thinking of implementing API tests with Cucumber? Gavin Fong got you covered and shared a nice guide on how to do it.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
Treat your flaky tests like production bugs
Here's a simple guide by Paweł Świątkowski that may come in handy when deciding on how to fight the flaky tests.
The other useful tactic to improve tests (and not only) is the Dev Box technique suggested by André Guimarães.
Why it's (still) so difficult for testers to learn test automation
Bas Dijkstra gives great pieces of advice on what to keep in mind when learning test automation.
Moreover, Alan Page wrote a decent article on Learning Automation – The Collaborative Way.
From Meh To Great: My Experience with NodeJS Browser Testing since 2015
A lot has changed since 2015 in terms of web UI testing tools and it's interesting to follow the experience of Josh Grant who was sceptical about JavaScript-based tools at first, but now recommends using WebdriverIO.
Getting Started with Cypress Studio for Test Automation
Cypress has recently released Cypress Studio — a test recorder for web (something like Selenium IDE). Filip Hric explains how to get started, how it works and who it is for.
I Don't Need Postman Anymore! I Use VS Code Instead...
If you use VisualCode as your primary IDE, you may like news from Sumanth Sanathi about the Thunder Client extension that is a GUI for API tests. Just like Postman, but right in your IDE. Handy!
Too many testing tools/languages/frameworks to learn, I'm confused
Following up on Josh's article above, it seems that we're slowly hitting what many developers have been experiencing for a while — the choice overload. Here are some interesting insights.
The Quality Dashboard
In this interesting presentation, Gil Zilberfeld explains the process of implementing a quality metrics dashboard for API teams and what benefits it brought to them.
Thanks for reading!
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Welcome to the 70th issue!
It's hard to believe it's the 70th consecutive week that I'm sending this newsletter.
Today, it's reaching over 2,700 software testers.
So I just want to say thank you for reading it every week.
It means a lot to me and I'm happy that you find value here.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dawid Dylowicz