Testing Doesn’t Add Value to the Product
You can test all you like and the product won’t get any better, nor will it get any worse. Similarly, weighing yourself will neither increase nor reduce your weight.
Another great piece by Michael Bolton on why you cannot add value to a product by testing it. And to whom testing provides value instead.
Don’t gamble with quality
I liked this practical article by Venu Botla about the importance of knowing who the key stakeholders of software testers are and how to effectively communicate with them.
Not getting opportunities you should be? Try a Reputation Audit
Interested in improving your career profile? Beth Marshall gives a great piece of advice on how to improve your branding as a software tester using the Reputation Audit — a simple-but-effective sheet that she created!
QA Vacancies in Portugal
Looking for a job in sunny Portugal? Sérgio Martins has just released a page that aggregates all Portuguese QA jobs in one place. More projects like this, please!
Visualize the Test Strategy
A picture can express a thousand words and it's no different when it comes to the test strategy. Jesper Ottosen shows a few handy ways to visualise it.
Speaking of visualising things, I also liked Kevin Tuck's reminder on why you need to have a QA dashboard.
API Testing with Postman — Run a Collection with Docker
Michael Montgomery shared this concise and in-point instruction on how to set up an automatic run of API tests with Postman and Docker.
Base Test Class Testing Pattern: Why and How to use
Another useful test automation pattern for software testers: the Base Class. Elias Nogueira shows how to implement it in Java with detailed examples.
Test Data Management Strategies
I strongly believe that good test data management is one of the keys to successful test automation. So I'm happy to see this useful article by Rafaela Azevedo explaining the best ways to set up and manage test data.
UI Tests on iOS
In this detailed guide, Paweł Zemsta shows a great way to step-by-step testing of UI flow on iOS. Quality stuff!
Java UI Automation Bootstrap
If you use Java for test automation, you will like this. Sérgio Martins created a Selenium-based testing framework that includes great features, such as parallel testing, test reports, static analysis, Jenkins integration and more!
TestCafe: Introducing Multi-window Tests (Beta)
This might be a long-awaited feature in TestCafe! The multi-window switching introduced in 1.9.0 version allows you to test even more sophisticated web UI flows. Finally!
Top Robotic Process Automation RPA Tools
Joe Colantonio not only lists the best Robotic Process Automation tools but also explains what it is about and how it differs from test automation. This made it pretty clear to me!
Book Review: Explore It!
Kristin Jackvony delights us with yet another great review of a software testing related book. This time, it's about Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing by Elizabeth Hendrickson.
Welcome to the 35th issue!
Thank you all for last week's congratulations and wishes.
Now, are you curious about how Amazon, Facebook, Netflix and other famous companies test their software?
There's a great collection of links and videos called How They Test curated by Abhijeet Vaikar that already includes 50 companies (and counting!).
I love this project and I already mentioned it back in April. It grew a lot since then and it's definitely worth revisiting now.
Happy testing!
Dawid Dylowicz