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13 KPIs to Impress Leadership & Drive Business Value
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A Complete Guide To Web Testing (With Best Practices)
If you don't know what to take into account when testing web apps, Mohammad Faisal Khatri gives a high-level overview of some good practices.
Introduction to Testing Machine Learning Models
Mahathee Dandibhotla explains what to consider when testing machine learning models. Seeing where the software industry is going, this knowledge might be more useful sooner than we think.
Making sense of all the QA roles
Curious about the possible roles you can take on as a tester? Katka Pilátová describes them in this helpful guide.
The Measurement Mess
"Bug counts are a measurement of nothing else than how many bugs your team are reporting; code coverage only tells you how much of your code is completely untested or unreachable; and test pass rates…are mostly useless."
I enjoyed Alan Page's take on the common problems with metrics and his advice on how to approach it right. A recommended read for your testing team.
Two ways of learning that benefit testing
Inspired by a book, Mike Harris shares a thought on how testers can use a specific learning feedback loop to improve their testing capabilities.
Furthermore, Han Toan Lim continues a series of articles describing System 1 and System 2 in Testing — Part 3.
Don't marry the mock
Harrison Carter shares a few practical tips on how to make tests more stable by making the test steps more generic.
How to write high-quality test code
There's some great advice from Katka Pilátová on why test code should be written with the same attention to quality as production code and how to achieve that.
Leveraging JSON Schema for API Security Testing
API is one of the obvious gateways prone to security attacks. Esther Okafor explains how to test against that using a JSON Schema that defines the expected input data types.
Writing and selling unit tests
Illia Halashko explains when unit tests are necessary, which unit tests should be written, and how to effectively communicate their value to business stakeholders.
Additionally, Rakesh Kumar compared and described Unit, Integration, E2E, and Monkey Testing.
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BrowserStack is now Selenium's official Development Partner. This partnership will ensure that Selenium users continue to receive leading-edge features and support for automation testing. Secure your premium access to BrowserStack's advanced web automation platform here.
Comparing JavaScript End-to-End Testing Frameworks: Cypress vs. Selenium vs. Playwright
Wondering about the similarities and differences between Cypress, Selenium and Playwright? Sean Coughlin did a short comparison.
And if you're looking for more comparisons, check out this insightful Reddit thread: Cypress vs. Playwright.
Dynamic data driven tests — Playwright
In this detailed guide, Thananjayan Rajasekaran shows how to generate and execute Playwright tests based on test data during run time.
How To Pick Cypress Plugins You Can Trust
One of Cypress' advantages is the ability to add custom plugins. But is it safe? There's no better person to answer that than Gleb Bahmutov— the creator of many Cypress plugins.
Real-time Report of k6 Performance Test
Indra Aristya describes the process of setting up a working solution for running k6 tests and reporting in real-time using open-source tools such as Grafana and InfluxDB.
Should a tester be worried about AI?
I bet this question crosses many testers' minds. So here's a 17-minute recording by Daniel Knott explaining his thoughts on that.
Similarly, Maaret Pyhäjärvi verifies — Well, did AI improve writing test plans?
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester — you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
Welcome to the 227th issue!
This question got my attention:
Do you ever worry about automating yourself out of your role?
There are lots of great opinions in this thread.
When it comes to me, I don't think of automation or AI as replacements for our role but as the evolution of it.
So I'd only worry about it if I didn't want to grow and evolve in my role.
Happy testing! 🙂
PS. Alan Page and Brent Jensen also explained it well in the 7th Modern Testing Principle.
Dawid Dylowicz