Welcome to the 223rd issue!

Do you know the 5th Modern Testing Principle?

"5. Customer is the only one capable to judge and evaluate the quality of our product."

This is the lesson that Sonos β€” the maker of premium connected audio equipment β€” is learning the hard way.

Let me tell you the story.

A month ago, they released a completely redesigned mobile app.

An app that's been the heart of their system, orchestrating hardware connection and music playback.

And they messed up. Big time!

How? This article summarises it best.

In short, it had critical issues, missed core functionality and made it unusable to visually impaired people.

So, understandably, their customers got very angry.

Just look at this Reddit megathread and posts on X.

Now, a month has passed and Sonos has addressed some of the issues. They even shared a public roadmap.

And I'm sure they'll get it right, eventually.

But it's the trust, reputation and perception of quality that will be much harder to regain.

So with that lesson in mind...

Happy testing! πŸ™‚

Dawid Dylowicz  



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Bug or a feature...? πŸ˜‚


Thanks for reading!

If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester β€” you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.

Dawid Dylowicz