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TimeShiftX — Travel in Time, Test with Ease
TimeShiftX lets you time travel your software to test date and time-sensitive functionality and code such as year-end, daylight savings, and billing. Employ instant time shifting inside Active Directory & Kerberos without code or system clock changes and removing all pain points. Check it out!
Accessibility Testing: Creating a World Without Walls
With accessibility becoming more important, it's good to see guides such as this one by Mariia Furta describing the solutions we can use to test for it on mobile and desktop platforms.
Similarly, Andreea Draniceanu wrote a short overview of Accessibility Testing for Mobile Apps.
"Agile" is not sacred
Most tech companies practice Agile but here are a few reminders from Michael Küsters on what to avoid.
Moreover, Joep Schuurkes brings up some comparisons from the Extreme Ownership book to explain The difference between a dead and an alive Agile Manifesto.
Android Interruption Testing
Is your Android app prepared for handling unexpected phone calls, missing internet connection or switching to another app? Lana Begunova advises how to test for such scenarios.
Coding with Quality in Mind: 5 Takeaways from My Journey from QA to Software Developer
"You may leave QA, but QA will not leave you". Or at least that's my impression of the insights that Aleh Maisevich shared after moving to development.
Is the QA team responsible for prod bugs?
It's easy to point fingers at others and blame them for bugs. But that's not the right way, and here's what testers think should be done instead.
Also, what if Devs are doing all the testing?
How to Identify, Fix, and Prevent Flaky Tests
If you want to know how to deal with flaky tests in general, Deepika Kale wrote a good, high-level overview.
And Wayne Roseberry suggests that sometimes you need to Think Like A Tester And Go Beyond The Code.
Prefer Narrow Assertions in Unit Tests
Kai Kent from Google shares a helpful tip on making unit test assertions more focused. This can be applied to other types of tests, too.
And what if you need to debug a test failure? Konstantin Sakhchinskiy shows How to Save All App's Debug Logs and Write Your Own Logs.
Running all automated tests against every commit
Is it a good idea or not? While the right answer depends on the context, there are some good suggestions from other testers.
Furthermore, Irfan Mujagić explores The ROI of UI Automation Testing: Effort vs. Impact.
Shifting UI tests to the far left (part 2)
Following the first part mentioned last week, Georgios Sotiropoulos shows how to implement UI tests before coding and describes the benefits it may yield.
In relation to that, Chamila Ambahera advises on choosing the Tool Stack for The Shift Left Testing Approach.
SOLID Principles for Testers: The Single Responsibility Principle
If you liked the previous series of articles by Kristin Jackvony, you'll likely enjoy this one about the SOLID principles in test automation as well.
Moreover, Smruti Sourav Sahoo shows a good example of Building Robust Test Automation Framework: Factory Design Pattern.
How to Perform Load, Performance Testing Using the Gatling Recorder
Considering using Gatling for load testing? Hardik Chotaliya demonstrates how to benefit from its recorder for easy test creation.
Important Git commands that every QA engineer should learn
Whether you want to learn Git from scratch or just practice the basics, Bhushan Trivedi created a clear guide with examples for the most used commands.
Next-Level API Testing: Unlocking Automated Regression with Replay Tests
Konstantin Shefer shows how to use the replay feature of Vedro — an open-source Python tool for API testing.
Also, Gil Zilberfeld advises on Better API Testing by trying to understand more about the underlying system.
Playwright tips and tricks #3
In the third part of the popular series, Adrian Maciuc shares even more handy tips for testing with Playwright.
Also, Vinicius Gabriel Cabral Paulino wrote a great guide explaining how to address Playwright Visual Tests and the "Environment Flakiness".
Testing AI — How to create Automated Prompt Testing With Playwright
Wondering how to test the output of LLM-based apps? Stuart Thomas shows a few ways of achieving that with Playwright and TruLens.
Additionally, Linda Benboudiaf wrote a helpful guide to Mastering Prompt Engineering: Elevating QA Testing Automation with Contextual Examples.
Looking back at Agile Testing, 15 years on
With the famous Agile Testing book turning 15 this year, Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory look back on what has changed since and what they would have included in the book today.
Thanks for reading!
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Welcome to the 215th issue!
This is one of the highlights I read this week:
Lessons Learned From 20 Years Of Software Testing.
I really liked practical advice and unconventional wisdom that Ady Stokes shared here.
I'm sure you'll find it helpful as well.
Happy testing! 🙂
Dawid Dylowicz