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k6 as alternative to Azure load testing and Visual Studio load test
On 31st of March, Microsoft shut down the Cloud Load Testing functionality in Azure DevOps. If you're looking for an alternative, I highly recommend you trying k6 to seamlessly run load tests in Azure Pipelines. You can also use the powerful k6 Cloud service for scalable execution and deeper performance insights. The first 50 runs are free — just perfect to get you started.
Why you might be wasting time in your testing
Being focused on the right things in the right time is crucial for productivity and it is no different in software testing. Kevin Tuck recognised five potential mistakes that can make our work less effective and I'm pretty sure I've made every single one over the years. Good reminder!
Log-Digging Patterns
I can't count how many hours of debugging I've saved thanks to good logs — and how many I've wasted because of the missing ones. So I'm happy to see that Lousie Gibbs wrote an article about the importance of logs and how it benefits both the developers and the testers.
14 Mistakes I Did That You Should Avoid As A Newbie Automation Tester
You may have heard that test automation is a cure for all the pains in software development but there's a lot of mistakes one can make when approaching it. In this article, Harshit Paul advises on how to avoid a lot of them.
Building test automation infrastructure from scratch
Whoa, what an article by Alexey Altunin! This monumental 28-minute read gives you a very detailed guide through the tools that you can use at every stage of test automation infrastructure. Grab a coffee and dive in! ☕️
PS. It's a premium article on Medium, so if you can't access it, simply open the link in a private tab.
Hindsight lessons about automation: The mastery of data seeding
I see data seeding as one of the critical components for achieving isolated test runs. There are many ways to implement it and Viktor Slavchev walks us through each of them sharing the benefits and the shortcomings.
Mocha JavaScript Tutorial With Examples For Selenium Testing
I haven't had experience with Mocha before (kind of always ended up with Jest for that purpose) so it's interesting to see this detailed guide on how to set it up with Selenium, delivered by Aditya Dwivedi.
Web UI Automation Must Haves
WebdriverIO is a powerful tool but it doesn't always work out of the box in real case scenarios, requiring some tricks to make the tests more stable. Luckily, Ken Simeon shared these tricks in the form of useful code snippets, such as waiting for the page to load or checking if there are any JavaScript errors. Saved to my shortlist!
6 Practical Tips On Writing Automated Tests
Above we have an article about mistakes to avoid in test automation, so now let's take a look at these 6 really useful tips to improve it, provided by Norbert Spiess.
Book Review: Enterprise Continuous Testing
Enterprise Continuous Testing book was published in November 2019 and if you're still wondering whether you should read it, you may want to check out this review by Kristin Jackvony.
Welcome to the 13th issue of Software Testing Weekly!
I hope you're all feeling well this Friday. 😊
Most of the big software companies — such as Apple, Facebook and Github — have bug bounty programs, where you can get a high reward for finding severe bugs and vulnerabilities in their software. Last week, Github shared some of the bugs that were discovered by people last year. Over the six years, they've granted a million dollars in total. Testing pays off! (Also, bugs on production are costly).
From other news, Stack Overflow now supports dark mode. 😉
PS. One more thing, would you mind sharing a link to this newsletter on your work communicator channels to help spread the word? I'd be more than thankful for your little help! 🙏
Now, moving on to the news!
Dawid Dylowicz