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Airbnb’s Microservices Architecture Journey To Quality Engineering
Antoine Craske shares a lot of interesting insights into how Airbnb moved to the microservices architecture and describes how it impacted the quality of their services.
Moreover, Rahul Parwal put together a helpful mindmap about How Google Tests Software.
Engineer in Test job hunting update
Once again, I respect Sam Connelly for full transparency about her process of contracting, looking for new opportunities, money management and working with recruiters as a freelancer in testing. Great read!
Five C’s of a Test Engineer
Wondering what the traits of a good tester are? Sérgio Martins wrote about five truly important ones.
Similarly, Ankita Basu described 9 Thinking Types involved in Testing.
Modern Testing Principles
As a follower of Modern Testing Principles myself, I'm happy to see other people writing about them, too. In this article, Mirza Šišić describes each principle in more detail.
Moreover, Paulo Oliveira wrote a good explanation of the Agile Testing Quadrants.
Reducing Scope (Let’s Test Less!)
It's not easy to tell how much testing is enough. Sometimes you need to decide to test less. But how? Louise Gibbs has a few good ideas.
Why Quality Assurance Fails
"Quality isn’t a static property that stands the test of time, we can’t simply achieve it and be done with it"
Hugo Rocha shares a sophisticated explanation of the potential reasons impacting quality and describes the key areas that teams should focus on.
Additionally, Keith Klain accurately points out the common signs of dysfunctional test teams.
Automation Coding Standards for Selenium I wish I knew Earlier
If you want to make your Selenium code friendlier to you and your peers, you may want to check out this guide. The examples are in Java but a lot of them apply to other languages, too.
Additionally, Shoeib Shargo wrote a helpful article about What not to automate with Selenium.
How to verify contract using provider-driven contract test
Curious to learn more about provider-driven contract testing? Here's a helpful guide to Pact.
On the other hand, you may also want to have a look at the Introduction to Consumer-Driven Contract Testing.
In-sprint Test Automation
One of the test automation's goals is to shorten feedback loops. So how do you make sure tests are written alongside implementation? Laval Magan describes how to achieve in-spring automation.
Moreover, someone asked on Reddit: When do you validate that an automated test is done?
Top 5 Manual Testers’ Questions About Automated Testing
If you're looking to start your journey in test automation, Olya Kabanova answered five common questions and gives some good advice.
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New from mabl: Integrated Accessibility Testing
Accessibility is a rapidly growing concern for QE teams. To build more inclusive and accessible applications, mabl recently released a11y checks and reporting. Hear how one photo-sharing app is integrating accessibility into their testing strategy on this live webinar. Register free.
A Practical Advice on Rejecting Gherkin for Test Automation
Zhimin Zhan explains why Gherkin is not the best choice for test automation and that you don't always need it to do Behaviour Driven-Development right.
Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.
Data validation using Great Expectation with a real-world scenario: Part 1
If you haven't heard of Great Expectations yet, you may want to check out Sravanti Tatiraju's guide. Such a helpful tool!
Similarly, Krystian Szpiczakowski shows good examples of Asserting The Internal Behavior in Java.
How Cypress evolved as a frontend test automation tool at QuintoAndar
Daniel Mariotti shares a great story of using Cypress to increase the coverage of functional and non-functional tests, generate reports, use mocks, and more.
Meanwhile on Reddit: I do not understand Cypress.
Testing Multiple Domains with Cypress
Last week, I mentioned the official announcement of Cypress' support for multiple domains. Here, Marie Drake shares an example of using the new feature in a real project.
Additionally, you might be interested in Gleb Bahmutov's guide to Sending Data From Application To The Cypress Test.
Using TypeScript to write Nightwatch.js Automated Tests
While TypeScript is getting more and more popular, so is the support for it in popular test frameworks. David Mello describes how to use it with Nightwatch.js.
5 Books to Read for People Working in Tech in 2022
Lina Zubyte suggests five books on five different topics that can help you learn more if you work in tech. It's an interesting compilation, I must admit!
Be a Full-Stack Tester
What's full-stack testing? What are the responsibilities in this role? Kristin Jackvony explains all that, and much more, in an hour-long talk.
Foundations of Automation
In this webinar, Gil Zilberfeld talks about all-things automation, explaining what it is, how we do it, and what the common practices and tools are.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
PS. I'll be transferring every donation to Nasz Wybór Foundation which supports Ukrainian refugees in Poland. 🇺🇦 🙏
Welcome to the 122nd issue!
I suppose that's the law behind the unfortunate story of The Worst Bug Ever by Ron Little.
I wished to find some lessons learned from this journey, but nevertheless, I found the investigation part as interesting as the bug itself.
Also, I smiled when I saw this paragraph title: "The Workaround — Reverting to a Better Bug". 😅
Happy testing and happy weekend everyone!
Dawid Dylowicz