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"I've tested everything, there are no bugs"
As a tester, you should be careful what you promise! Gareth Waterhouse wrote an important article about why using the safety language at work is crucial to saving your face, and maybe even your job.
Speaking of bugs, Heather Reid shared her experience about Preparing for The First Bug Bash. There's a second part, too.
How I became a Software Tester in 1 Year
This is a great story of Marta Borawska becoming a tester in a year. There are tons of helpful resources.
Furthermore, someone on Reddit is wondering What's the best path for QA that doesn't want to get into automation. You'll find interesting answers in the comments.
How to Make Quality a Team Effort
The whole-team approach to testing and quality is one of the most important practices nowadays. Nicola Lindgren gives practical advice on how to implement it.
Additionally, Ciaran Hourican suggests how you can Get Non-Testers Engaged With Acceptance Testing.
My Software Quality Principles
Not long ago, I featured Dave Westerveld's article on his Personal Quality Principles. Today, it's Sérgio Martins who put together his list and I'm intrigued to see the similarities and differences between them.
On top of that, Mercedes Ortiz shared The 7 Essential Principles of Software Testing.
Quick risk strategizing
Need a test strategy? Lisa Crispin explains why it's good to start with risks and shows an example of using this method in a real project.
Another example of thinking from the other perspective is Kristin Jackvony's article on The Positive Outcomes of Negative Testing.
Or maybe, instead of negative testing, we should talk about behaviour as Bas Dijkstra suggests?
Testing on a Platform Team
I was once in a platform team and I can relate to Ash Winter's list of testing dos and don'ts in such an environment. Good read!
7 Trends That Will Actually Change The Test Automation Market
If you wonder how the test automation market has evolved and where it's likely going next, have a look at Antoine Craske's overview.
A Journey to Better Automation with the Screenplay Pattern
Sarah Watkins demonstrates the Screenplay Pattern with examples and explains how you can use it in Selenium.
Consideration for Designing a Test Automation Framework
A picture is worth a thousand words. I liked Rahul Parwal's cool mindmap that contains all the things you should think of before building a test automation framework.
You might also want to consider Davide Bellone's Clean Code tip: AAA pattern for tests.
How testers coded a mobile farm for iOS
While testing in the cloud is getting more and more popular, Eugene Ponomarenko shows how they built an in-house mobile farm for iOS. Better yet, it's open-source!
Speaking of mobile testing, Joe Colantonio put together The Ultimate Mobile Testing Guide: 11 Tips to Test Your App Effectively.
Ways to reduce execution time on automated tests
Who doesn't want faster tests? This is a good list of tips on improving the test execution time.
In this context, an equally important question to ask is: Do You Need to Test Everything? — by Thomas Fernandez.
Playwright E2E testing: Tips and best practices
Cathal Mac Donnacha shares five pieces of advice for improving test automation with Playwright. It can easily be adapted to other popular test frameworks as well.
Postman API platform — Part 2: Testing & Automation
Following the first part about Postman's basics, Aleksandar Zeljković wrote a handy guide to automating an API test suite.
Top Testing Programming Languages for 2022
Although the programming language shouldn't be a deciding factor when thinking of test automation, it may surely play a role. In this article, Vivek Maskara describes six popular choices.
Why we favor Playwright over Selenium or Cypress
Cypress, Playwright and Selenium are powerful test automation tools. Patrick Döring and Kenji Brückner share their opinion on why they favour one of them over the others.
Additionally, Eric Terry compares these tools' Amazingly Different Screenshot Capabilities.
API Exploration With Postman
If you prefer learning about API testing with Postman from a video, here's an immersive, one-hour presentation by Gil Zilberfeld.
Doing Page Object Model the Right Way
In this 33-minute video, Christian Vasquez demonstrates how to implement Page Object Model in Java with Selenium. And here's the second part with a 10-minute follow up.
Thanks for reading!
If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.
PS. I'll be transferring every donation to Nasz Wybór Foundation which supports Ukrainian migrants in Poland. 🇺🇦 🙏
I don't know about you, but Lorin Hochstein reminded me of quite a few tickets. 😅
Enjoy the 116th issue!
Dawid Dylowicz